Without a doubt, God absolutely loves us all, no matter how good or bad a life one has led. God is Love, and therefore loves all of us with an unconditional love. God created each and every one of us on earth for a purpose, and that purpose is to have a love relationship with Him. He knows that each of us has free choice and this means that all of us can sin. Despite this, He wants in the worst way for as many of His human creations as possible to have the opportunity to join him in Eternal Life. We all know that we have a biological father, but some don't understand that God is our Heavenly Father. God interacts with all of us on earth as any great father would. He loves, cares, forgives, protects, gives guidance and direction, gives hope, reprimands, helps us in troubled times, and much, much more. God's love is so deep for all of us, that he sent His only son, Jesus Christ, as the perfect, blameless substitute to die on the cross for the past and future sins of all mankind; so that we could have Eternal Life with Him in Heaven, if we believe and have faith in His Son Jesus. But the qualifier of this free (and unwarranted) gift of God is that this generous gift must be accepted by each person, and each person must want to ask for forgiveness for their past sins. So just tell God that you accept His free gift of salvation, and that you are truly sorry for your past sins and want to live a less sinful life in the future. Then seek to know Jesus, and why He is the answer to eternal life. What God really wants is for people to change their lives for the better, and to have a change of heart. He wants, over time, for us to develop a heart filled with love and caring for others – For Himself and His Son Jesus, as well as all others in our lives. But God knows that everyone will need an assist, and this is why He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell in one's heart and help affect this transformation from old person to new. So, Salvation and eternal life in Heaven is offered if you truly believe in Jesus, and are sincere about changing your life for the better.
For those who may not know, Jesus knew when he came to earth what His mission was. He knew that He was to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind, and that he would be resurrected on the 3rd day after His death. In fact, His 12 appearances on earth shortly after His death and resurrection to groups of 1 to 500 people each time, attest to the fact that Jesus was truly who He had always claimed to be – the 'Son Of God.' In the Bible Jesus says “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
The Bible is, in my opinion, the greatest story ever told. So, if you have never really understood who Jesus was, I would encourage you to read the Bible's New Testament (starting with the book of Matthew and continuing on from there), as it is an account of the life and wondrous deeds of Jesus Christ. You will read about Jesus' forty miracles as recorded by many different authors of the early AD times: miracles such as the raising of three people from the dead, the healing of the paralytic people, the healing of the deaf, the mute and the blind, the healing of lepers, the performing of exorcisms, the changing of water into wine, the feeding of many thousands with just a little bread and a few fish, the walking on water, the calming of the winds and seas, and many other miraculous deeds. These deeds were definitely not the acts of a common man, but one given authority by His Heavenly Father above. These miracles were recorded almost 2000 years ago by several of the people of the time, and they all support each other as to His life and actions. One of the things that gives the greatest credibility to both the Bible and Jesus (the Son of God) is that approximately 450-1400 years prior to Jesus' birth, several of the greatest prophets of the time (Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Zechariah, Malachi and others) made predictions as to the coming Messiah's future life. As a matter of fact, over 300+ of these very precise prophecies of the Messiah were made in the Old Testament, and much later fulfilled in the New Testament with amazing accuracy by Jesus' life. As mentioned earlier, eternal life is available to all people who truly believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. This means that the person believes 1) that Jesus Christ was both the Son of God and also man, 2) that Jesus came to earth with the purpose of dying on the cross for the forgiveness of all people's past and future sins, 3) that Jesus died on the cross, and was resurrected from the dead by His Father on the 3rd day, and 4) that Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer.
The best way to gain a perspective of Jesus and His Heavenly Father is to read the New Testament of the Bible. It will not only show the love that both God and His Son Jesus have for everyone, but could also change your life. It absolutely did change my life. Not only do I now love and care for others to a greater extent, but I am much happier with my life over-all. My belief in Jesus has helped me to understand my purpose in life and to feel comfortable about spending a wonderful Eternal life in heaven with those that I love. This new life would be one of love and happiness, no death, no sin, and no pain and suffering. What more could one ask for than this? Note though, that if you decide to read the New Testament, most of the Bibles today have notes at the bottom of each page that give a clear interpretation of the chapter and verse(s) that you have read. They truly can be helpful to better understand the Bible, so I would encourage one to use these notes if needed.
Finally, if you are interested in changing your life for the better, a good first step might be to either: 1) contact a Pastor at a local Christian church nearby, or 2) contact a friend who has a strong Christian faith to get answers to any questions you might have. Both parties would love to discuss any spiritual issue(s) with you, and even discuss with you how to move forward in the most effective way.
Bible. New King James Version
“Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus,” CBN.com